Stop Censorship in USA

By Published On: January 18, 2012

On Wednesday Jan. 18th thousands of sites will go dark to protest SOPA & PIPA, two US bills racing through Congress that threaten prosperity, online security, and freedom of expression. The White House opposes the bill and announced last Friday that the legislation “reduces freedom of expression, increases cybersecurity risk, or undermines the dynamic, innovative global Internet”. The Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA) has faced tremendous opposition and today’s Black Out is an indication of the attitudes of the companies in the digital marketing industry.

Avalon M I S opposes SOPA and will go black for eight hours January 18th. Please join us by learning more about SOPA.

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Laura Artman MBA
By : Laura Artman, MBA

Team player known for my extraordinary ability to communicate in a manner that influences decision making. Skilled in developing strong, trustworthy relationships with individuals and groups inside and outside of the organization.


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    JJ January 19, 2012 at 11:54 pm

    Thanks for the info. I had no idea

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    Reina January 22, 2012 at 9:15 am

    Last January 18th, I had a hard time doing my job as a researcher due to some opposing sites, like wiki. At first, it pissed me. But as I investigated the real score on this issue, I realized that it would be for a good cause.

    I hope that this comment is not too late. I’m not an American, but I definitely agree with opposing SOPA.

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