Project Work Flow

By Published On: July 21, 2011

Web Development Approach

1. Discover

Client provides all content within 10 days of project start.  When content is received the project manager meets with client to discuss navigation, design, and site message.  If content is not received in 10 days the project is set aside and the cost of the project is increased by 10% for every two days that content is not received.

2. Define

Based on the content received by the client and the results of the interview, the project scope is defined. Next the content that has been received is outlined, the project flow is mapped out, and the project brief is developed. The development plan is prepared and approved by the client.

3. Design

Now that the content has been outlined and a plan developed, the client and project manager will discuss the elements of design including the template, typography, short codes, and media. Based on discussion the client is provided a prototype and adjustments are made.

4. Develop

At this point in the project, all the components and decisions have been made. All assets have been received and the plan is executed. This stage of the project goes very quickly.  Adjustments are made based on client feedback.

5. Deliver

The site is moved to it’s final location and it is “open for business”.  The project is monitored closely for the first thirty days and any defects are quickly corrected.

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Laura Artman MBA
By : Laura Artman, MBA

Team player known for my extraordinary ability to communicate in a manner that influences decision making. Skilled in developing strong, trustworthy relationships with individuals and groups inside and outside of the organization.


  1. Avatar
    JJ July 24, 2011 at 10:16 pm

    Thanks Laura. We recently reviewed our project process and realized we were not placing enough controls on the client. This is very helpful.

  2. Avatar
    Richard July 28, 2011 at 11:07 am

    Laura, thanks for this post. We recently saw you speak at a Drupal Camp and appreciate the great info at your blogs.

  3. lauramba
    lauramba August 5, 2011 at 6:10 pm

    Thanks for the feedback!

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